Terms of service.

By confirming your reservation, you accept all of the terms & conditions below.

1) Number of dives

The booking is for 2 cenote dives. If you decide not to dive one of the cenotes, you will not receive a partial refund.

2) Booking, Payment & Cancelations

Bookings are considered confirmed upon reception of confirmation details.

Payment must be settled in cash (USD or Mexican Pesos (1 USD = 18 MXN Pesos)) or crypto upon arrival on the day of your cenote dives.

Have all cash ready to ensure a seamless experience for all divers. We will not stop at ATMs/money exchange stations.

Please inform The Cenote Guide of any changes or cancelations with at least 24 hour notice.

3) Cameras & GoPros

All cenotes are privately owned and have their own policy towards recording devices. Camera/GoPro fees are paid directly to cenote land owners.

4) Transportation

Pick-up & drop off will be done at the same location. You’ll receive the meeting address once you book your dives.

5) Free Equipment Rental

My rental equipment is well-maintained and washed after each dive. When using The Cenote Guide rental equipment, you are accepting full responsibility for its care. Divers are responsible for covering the cost of repair or replacement of any piece of equipment due to negligence or misuse.

6) Storage of personal belongings

Divers may store personal belongings in the truck during dives. The Cenote Guide will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or theft that could occur.

7) Snacks & Lunch

Water, juice, snacks & lunch are provided as a courtesy during your cenote experience. You may bring your own food/snack if you’re a picky eater. Please let me know if you have any allergies.

8) Final Agreement

I agree to do the following:

- Stay near my guide and within arms reach of the cavern guideline at all times

- Stay within the daylight zone, where I can see sunlight, at all times

-Stay within 200 feet/60 meters from the nearest surface point

- Descend no deeper than 100 feet/ 30 meters from the surface

- Reserve two-thirds of my breathing gas for the exit

- Refrain from swimming beyond warning signs into the cave zone

- End the dive using the thumbs up signal if I feel uncomfortable and wait to exit with the guide and group

-Will not wear sunscreen/repellents and rinse off before entering a cenote

-Touch nothing but water, leave nothing but bubbles, kill nothing but time