Cenote Carwash

Aktun Ha

Max Depth: 15m/50ft

Certification Required: Open Water

Overhead: 60% of the dive

Halocline: Yes

Speleothems: 3/5

Entrance Fee: 300 pesos

GoPro Fee: 150

Camera Fee: 200

Scuba Diving in Cenote Carwash (Aktun Ha)

Cenote Carwash is also known as Aktun Ha, which means “Cave Water”. This cenote got its name because taxi drivers used to wash their cars using the cenote water.

This cenote looks like a typical pond with beautiful lily pads perfect for underwater photography. Algae blooms here in the summer months creating a change in color and reduced visibility in the first couple of meters.

After swimming in the open water area for a bit, we’ll make our way toward the cavern section next to the huge fallen tree. Keep an eye out for turtles swimming around in the open water portion. The cavern area is very spacious where we’ll get to enjoy huge formations and pottery.

Cenote Carwash is located in Tulum, 70 km from PDC

Carwash is recommended with Cenote Angelita or any other Cenote in Tulum.