Cenote Tak Be Luum

The Gate of Hell

Scuba Diving in Cenote Tak Be Luum

Max Depth: 6.5m/21ft

Certification Required: Open Water

Overhead: 90% of the dive

Halocline: No

Speleothems: 5/5

Entrance Fee: 300 pesos

Camera Fee: None

Tak Be Luum is home to massive columns, unique bubble/roasted marshmallow-looking formations & a passage called “The Gate of Hell”. This cenote is very dark; so if you’re afraid of the dark, this cenote is not for you. Due to the darkness of this cenote, it is almost guaranteed that you’ll see a blind cavefish (or two). Other fish you’ll see in this cavern are tetras, ciclids, and catfish.

Tak Be Luum is a shallow dive and the bottom is full of large dunes of silt. You’ll find a thin layer of hydrogen sulfide cloud on the bottom toward the beginning of the dive making for an eerie scene. The cavern line crosses through sections of open water so we’re always close to the surface.

Cenote Tak Be Luum is 51 km south of PDC in Parque Dos Ojos

Tak Be Luum is recommended with Cenote Taak Bi Ha