Cenote Dreamgate

The Cavern Dive of Your Dreams

Scuba Diving in Cenote Dreamgate

Max Depth: 6m/20ft

Certification Required: Advanced

Overhead: 100% of the dive

Halocline: No

Speleothems: 6/5 🙌🏾

Entrance Fee: 380 pesos

Camera Fee: None

This is the cavern dive of your dreams! We drive down a bumpy road to reach Cenote Dreamgate, one of the many cenotes connected to the Sac Actun cave system, one of the longest underwater cave systems in the world.

There are two (upstream and downstream) dive circuits in this cavern. Every twist and turn unravels the most impressive rock formations & tree roots. The floor is covered in very fine sediment so you must frog kick and have good buoyancy control to keep from silting up the cavern.

Cenote Dreamgate is 53 km south of PDC

Dreamgate is recommended with Cenote Angelita or any other cenote in Tulum. Reserved for the most experienced divers.