Cenote Diving

Zapote + Kin-Ha

6 hrs - $150 USD + 550 MXN - Advanced Certification

Camera Fee: 350 MXN

Max Depth: 30m/100ft

Certification Required: Advanced

Overhead: 70% of the dive

Halocline: Yes

Biothems: 6/5

Entrance Fee: 350 pesos

Camera Fee: 350

GoPro Fee: None

Cenote Zapote

Cenote Zapote is truly one-of-a-kind. Located on the “Ruta de los Cenotes” west of Puerto Morelos, this cenote is named after the zapote trees nearby. This cenote is nicknamed “Hells Bells” because its biothem formations look like bells, which can only be found in a few surrounding cenotes.

Biothems are geological formations that are composed of the accumulated remains of living organisms. That’s right, these bell formations are alive and continue to grow ever so slowly.

This cenote is shaped like an hourglass with the center located 20m/66ft deep. In the lower chamber, you’ll see the impressive bell formations covering the ceiling. There is a hydrogen sulfide cloud around 30m deep just above the talus cone.

50 minutes from Playa del Carmen

Max Depth: 30m/100ft

Certification Required: Advanced

Overhead: <5% of the dive

Halocline: Yes

Speleothems: 4/5

Entrance Fee: 200 pesos

Camera Fee: None

Cenote Kin-Ha

Cenote Kin-Ha is also located on the “Ruta de los Cenotes” and has bell formations like at Zapote. We’ll walk down wooden steps that take us underground to a highly decorated air dome. Holes in the ceiling provide beautiful light beams that penetrate deep underwater. This cylinder shaped cenote has a really cool formation at the bottom and bell formations, unique flowstones and stalactites along the cenote walls. We can also jump into the cenote after the dive through the hole in the ceiling!

50 minutes from Playa del Carmen

What’s included?

  • Transportation (Pick-up & drop off) from Playa del Carmen

  • Certified Full Cave Diver/Cenote Guide

  • Scuba gear (regulators, BCD, wetsuit, mask, fins, flashlight, weights & tanks)

  • Yummy snacks, drinks & lunch

  • The Cenote Guide sticker

What’s not included?

  • Entrance fees (to be paid in MXN directly to cenote owners)

  • Nitrox available upon request for certified Nitrox divers ($20 extra for 2 Nitrox tanks)

  • The Cenote Guide shirts ($20 each) & The Cenote Guide koozies ($5 each) available for purchase

Why dive with Rigo the Cenote Guide?

Your time underwater in the Riviera Maya is precious, by choosing me you’re guaranteeing yourself an experienced, attentive, safety-conscious & friendly guide. Convenience: Hotel pick up and drop off is included in the experience. You’ll end the day with a happy heart and a brain full of cenote knowledge!

Nervous about diving in an overhead environment?

Let me help you overcome your fear, we got this! I’m super patient and happy to do some hand holding and provide some extra TLC.