Cenote Tajma Ha

Experience 4 Cenotes in 1 Dive

Scuba Diving Cenote Tajma Ha

Max Depth: 15m/50ft

Certification Required: Open Water

Overhead: 80% of the dive

Halocline: Yes

Speleothems: 3/5

Entrance Fee: 300 pesos

Camera Fee: 300 pesos

Cenote Tajma Ha was originally named Taj Mahal, because its beauty reminded the original cave explorers of the renowned architectural masterpiece in India. Today it is known as Tajma Ha; “Ha” means water in Maya.

You will experience 4 cenotes on this dive!

  • Tajma Ha

  • Sugar Bowl

  • Esmeralda

  • Points of Light

A truly unforgettable dive where you’ll see massive rock formations, halocline, fossils, catfish & dancing light beams!

Sadly, Cenote Tajma Ha is closed for cavern diving at this time.